"The Blindfold" (2016-2024)
"The Blindfold" series consists of "Wasteland" (2019, 80min), "Secrets and Lies in a Town of Sinners" (2020, 50min), "Barber Westchester" (2022, 90min), "Take Off The Blindfold, Adjust Your Eyes, Look in the Mirror, See the Face of Your Mother" (upcoming, December 2024, ~80min (runtime not confirmed at this time)), and the upcoming finale, "The Cone Layer" (2026-7? Runtime not confirmed).
IMPORTANT NOTE: This listing will be updated with "Take Off the Blindfold, Adjust Your Eyes, Look in the Mirror, See The Face Of Your Mother" when the film is finished, which is why the price is higher. It includes all of the other things I have listed on Gumroad as well. I will not have an individual listing for "Take Off the Blindfold". If you buy this now, you will be able to watch "Take Off the Blindfold" when it is finished, as the listing will be updated and expanded.
For the meantime, while the movie is in production, this listing includes the works in progress of episodes 1-5 of "Saliatos season 2", which was the form "Take Off the Blindfold" was taking before it shifted halfway through production and became a feature film.
I cannot guarantee that The Cone Layer, coming out sometime in 2026 or 2027, maybe later, will be added here when finished. If this will prevent you from buying, I suggest holding out for a few years.
Stream "Wasteland", "Secrets and Lies in a Town of Sinners", "Barber Westchester", "Take Off the Blindfold, Adjust Your Eyes, Look in the Mirror, See the Face of Your Mother" ("TOTB" is currently in production, when it is finished, your purchase will be altered to contain the film)